Located in the Health and Human Performance Institute on the 2nd level of the Kinesiology Building, the Biomechanics Lab occupies approximately 2,000 square feet of general-purpose lab and office space, which is comprised of a biomechanics experimental workspace, neurocognitive assessment/data analysis room, laboratory classroom, computer workstations, subject changing area, and a conference area.
The laboratory has the following equipment available:
• Eight-camera Vicon 3D digital motion capture system
• Three AMTI (OR6-7) force platforms mounted along a 20-m runway
• One Portable AMTI force platforms for balance assessments
• Sixteen-channel Delsys wireless EMG systems
• Uniaxial and triaxial accelerometers
• DartFish 2D video motion capture system
• Trackmaster (TM-55) motorized treadmill
• Two Biopac MP36 stations for EMG, force, and electrogoniometer data collection.
• Uniaxial S-force transducer and hand dynamometer
• Brower Timing system
For data analysis, modeling, simulation, analysis, and presentation the following software is available:
• Visual3D
• Vicon Nexus
• Polygon
• DartFish
• Delsys EMGWork
• EndNote
• Sigmaplot
• Biopac Pro
• Microsoft Office Suite (Word, PPT, Excel, Pub)